Sometimes boxed cereal is so tempting. Even to a hard-core health-nut mama like me! Come on – it’s convenient, quick, effortless. Everything you could want breakfast to be, especially on those busy weekday mornings… I mean, who has time to make breakfast from scratch every morning? Boxed cereal can’t even be a choice for us – boxed cereal is extremely unhealthy. And don’t think the organic or gluten-free cereals are any healthier! The process that is used to make boxed cereal results in a very hard to digest product – which leads to bloating, constipation, and other intestinal distresses.
So what’s a busy mom to do? The answer lies in making breakfast ahead of time! All it takes is a little time when you’ve got time – which for me is just before doing the dinner dishes – and you can ensure that your family gets a healthy, nourishing breakfast every morning! A make-ahead breakfast takes the guesswork out of your morning routine, and can often be dished out as quickly as cereal – you just gotta love that.

Below you will find 21 healthy and delicious make-ahead breakfast recipes, from some of my favorite bloggers! Which now means that you’re armed and ready for breakfast, every morning!