Our new backyard has all these little groupings of cinder blocks littered around. And since I’m just that practical kind of gal, I got to thinking…what could I do with these things?
And now it’s practically an obsession.
As it happens, you can make some pretty nifty things using cinder blocks. So I thought I’d share my internet findings with you! Be aware, though – my first thought was to make my garden boxes with them – but it just so happens that cinder blocks have chemicals in them that can leach into your soil. So don’t grow food in them
This candle and pumpkin display from The Horticult is my favorite.
This stenciled planter is too cute – and super easy. What a great accent piece!
This cinder block fire pit from The Dirty Loft is really functional and looks clean and attractive. We happen to have both those sizes of blocks and are in desperate need of a way to dispose of a ton of sticks we’ve been gathering. I have a feeling we’ll go with this. Marshmallows, here we come!
How adorable is this outdoor bench from organic? What a fun spot!

This succulent planter from Girl on Bike Writes…
This table/planter from Design Sponge is perfect for outdoor parties!
This is the same table, done in another color scheme.
This simple bench from Fab Every Day looks really clean, and is super easy to make!
Using cinder blocks as centerpieces…love it! This one is from Design Sponge. It makes me want to go out and dig up some of those long prairie-looking grasses we’ve got growing back there.
This bench from Hello Daly is really easy to put together – and it has storage. Love that.
You can also make mosaics on cinder blocks! Too cute. I found this on Pinterest. It doesn’t even look like a cinder block anymore. Kind of.
And so begins my mosaic obsession…
You can make a garden border and do a mosaic.
Or a raised bed and do a mosaic on the side…
…or a raised bed with a mosaic on the top.
Can you tell I’m diggin’ on the mosaics?
Painted cinder blocks make a great divider – and they double as flower planters!
The ladies at Yes, Please used cinder blocks for wedding centerpieces, but I think these would be adorable placed here and there around a garden – maybe let the kids paint a little design or two in one corner.
Will you ever look at cinder blocks the same way? I sure won’t…and hopefully, now I’ll be able to do something with the piles I’ve got hanging around!